Profiles of Multiple Communities Cover
Sign Research Foundation

Profiles of Sign Regulations in Multiple Communities and Environments


Effective sign ordinances ensure that signs are consistent and legible, all while reducing clutter. This report analyzes seven different community types and includes perspectives from planners, consultants, designers, and sign manufacturers. It explores trends in sign code development and attributes of effective sign ordinances across all community types. It also discusses the successful design elements unique to suburban communities, urban centers, historic districts, and campuses.

Price: $40
($30 for members of the International Sign Association)


This concise summary highlights the key factors that contribute to effective sign codes across various communities and environments. It discusses the unique challenges posed by new types of signs, including temporary and digital signs, and emphasizes the importance of collaboration between local governments and the business community. The document also explores how different environments, such as suburban, urban, historic districts, and campuses, influence successful sign codes. Additionally, it covers the rise of wayfinding programs in cities and towns and provides practical guidelines for creating business growth, supporting effective signs, and ensuring compliance with federal and First Amendment regulations. Ideal for planners, city officials, and signage professionals, this executive summary is a valuable resource for understanding and developing effective sign regulations.

Price: $20
($15 for ISA members)


Profiles of Sign Regulations in Multiple Community Types
In this on-demand webinar, we explore trends in sign code development and the attributes of effective sign ordinances across all community types. Effective sign ordinances ensure that signs are consistent and legible while reducing clutter. The session delves into successful design elements unique to suburban communities, urban centers, historic districts, and campuses. This recording supplements the SRF research Profiles of Sign Regulations in Multiple Communities.

Price: $15
($10 for ISA members)

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