Model Sign Code
Sign Research Foundation

Model Sign Code


The purpose of this Model Sign Code is to convey to communities (councils, planning commissions, appeals boards, and the administrative staff including planners) the optimal framework for formulating on-premise sign regulations that fully respect the comprehensive purpose of signs from the perspective of both community and business interests. While this Model Sign Code is intended for communities of all sizes, smaller communities say those with populations up to several hundred thousand may find it of particular value. These communities typically possess the variety of character areas that are the basis for this Model Code. While larger cities may have many similar character areas, they may also have a wider variety of unique areas that warrant special considerations that are not addressed in this model. Part I: The Framework for Formulating Sign Regulations; Part II: Legal Considerations; Part III: Model Regulatory Guidelines

Price: $40
($30 for members of the International Sign Association)


This executive summary presents research on a Model Sign Code designed to convey to communities (councils, planning commissions, appeals boards, and the administrative staff including planners) the optimal framework for formulating on-premise sign regulations that fully respect the comprehensive purpose of signs from the perspective of both community and business interests.

Price: $20
($15 for ISA members)

Fundamental Legal Issues Regulation Cover


Unlike most modern sign codes which attempt to regulate on-premises signs on the basis of police powers, Urban Design Associates has drafted this municipal sign code for the Sign Research Foundation, which is based on the best available transportation planning and engineering research. This evidence-based approach to regulation seeks to ensure that signs, as commercial speech, are afforded some guaranteed constitutional protections. This report begins with a discussion of the legal issues fundamental to the regulation of on-premise commercial signs. Next, the report describes the technical research related to issues of the legibility of on-premise signs. The third section of this report features an evidence-based model sign code, crafted to reflect the identified legal and technical issues.

Price: $40
($30 for members of the International Sign Association)

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