Traffic Safety Cover
Sign Research Foundation

Digital Signage & Traffic Safety: A Statistical Analysis


This is a comprehensive study conducted by researchers from Texas A&M University. It examines the relationship between on-premise digital signage and traffic safety. The study involves collecting and analyzing large datasets of sign and crash data from several states, including California, North Carolina, Ohio, and Washington. Using the empirical Bayes method, the researchers performed a before-after statistical analysis to determine the safety impacts of digital signs. The findings indicate that the installation of on-premise digital signs does not lead to a statistically significant increase in crashes on major roads. The study also explores the effects of sign characteristics such as color, size, and business type, concluding that these factors do not significantly impact traffic safety.

Price: $40
($30 for members of the International Sign Association)


This document provides an overview of a comprehensive study conducted by researchers from Texas A&M University. The study investigates the impact of on-premise digital signage on traffic safety using the Empirical Bayes (EB) statistical analysis method. The research includes data from 135 sign locations across Washington, North Carolina, Ohio, and California. The findings reveal no statistically significant increase in crash frequency after the installation of digital signs. The study also examines the effects of sign characteristics such as color, size, and business type, concluding that these factors do not significantly impact traffic safety. The research aims to provide a scientifically based national analysis to inform local sign codes and ordinance.

Price: $20
($15 for ISA members)

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